Saturday, 23 April 2011


its a weird thing aint it!!!.......religion!...its makes one feel good about ones'self!...something to believe in, aspire to! your fellow man....oooops sorry they don't allow that stuff do they!?....erm maybe it gives one a little bit of one up man'ship!...'I believe this and you don' I can treat you like shyte while I treated like a queen (oops sorry!)...I mean A King!'....some religions do weird stuff too..speaking to little seemingly inane objects....or giving little pressies....eggs for example! and chocolate ones at that IS weird & very fattening!! ;-) you may laff at me or even hate me for NOT being 'A Believer' but honestly I do LIKE the idea of religion! I really do!......this crap that we live thru! surely amounts to something!....its gotta.......nobody would come up with the bestest idea life....the human race......and there not to be a point! but to me....our 'point' always has a number of things which don't sit comfortably.....a big fat slice of hatred....persecution, torture, abuse & murder!......oh yeh with a lot of war thrown in for good yeh religion on the face of it is a TOP idea!....and yeh I kinda wished I'd have thought of it!....but surely it would just be a total none starter with our human rights people nowadays!.....mmmmmmmm.....interesting!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

you're a twat!

I was walking down the street the other day and a girl came up to me! dunno what was wrong with her but she stunk of booze!...anyway I digress! she stood there face to face with me and she said....'you know're a twat!'.....I smiled trying to impress, she was quite good looking!...I smiled and said....'yeh I know'.....she said...'WHAT!'......I said 'yeh I know', she giggled and slurred...'did you hear what I said you fff.ffff.....fffekin're a twat!'....I smiled back and said...'yeh I know, always been one babe!.....'it was weird its like she knew me...intimately! this point she started waving her arms and said 'NO NO NO! don't agree with twat!' to which I responded 'but you're a very agreeable person and may I incur, very very attractive altho the frothing from the side of the mouth I could do without!', she smiled, turned and then punched me in the face!.....phew, glad I didn't disagree with her! see!....WOMEN! you gotta know how to handle up for male domination I'd say shweeeeeet!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

wayne wayne wayne!

apparently its all about that moment!....paranoia maybe!......oh forget it......who really cares anyway!

Friday, 1 April 2011

A little bit of tuneless bint'isms!

ok then, why in this life do we give a shit about fact why are some people celebrities at all!?......once upon a time somebody had to actually do something to be a 'star....a celebrity'......have some talent, even if it was banging a tray on your head in time to god save the queen...yup thats talent buddy! ;-) all people have to do is, do nothing to be ON teevee!....argue with their other alf...stuff some crap up their nose....spend money in a totally obscene manner....and all this while other people on this planet struggle for their next cup of water!.....have you ever known of a bigger waste of space than Kerry Katona...the teevee companies & execs seem to be happy to throw money and airtime at this 'person...celebrity' who's talent seems to be, being the complete height of 'nothingness'.....I can hear the teevee execs now.'ok so we need a new programme...any old shyte'l'do!....I've got this great idea...Kerry Katona....she'll completely self distruct at some point (again) soon.....and we'll have it all on camera!...yeh who wouldn't want to watch that!'.....I'm sure there's millions out there who watch this crap!.....probably mostly people who's idea of talent is being able to shag as many footballers as possible....and then sell their amazing story of spitroast heaven to some crappy newspaper....Katy Price is getting divorced again!?.........JUST FUCK OFF!