Sunday, 27 March 2011

uma uma uma!

I love adverts, they are the best thing in the world! much more interesting than any other shit on teevee!...I especially like the one where there's a tram crash and the corner shop gets crushed and...and.....that blokes missus who's just had that baby gets crushed to death! and then everybody else in the street comes out to see whats going on and then Ken Barlow comes out and he gets a huge piece of tram track thru his chest and then the tram which has just crashed...and is now precariously resting on the side of the bridge falls over into the street killing everybody in site, including all the emergency services people, then a bunch of terrorists in a toyota truck come trundling down the street, pick up the survivors and parade them on teevee and slowly mutilate every last one of em.....erm....what do you mean that wasn't an advert! OH! BUT IT WAS SUCKAS!.....yeh I love adverts!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

war and other wonderfull things!

ok, I know you miss those good ole days don't cha?....the sweet sweet sound of a burning ford capri, the shimmering flames, lighting up the window of a council house across a dark street...the sound of a doc martin running down our street, the crunch of broken brick against soft skull!!!....the swish of a bread knife cutting thru the crisp tear gas filled air!!.....yeh yeh I know what you're thinking at this moment......good times they be fine sir....good times!!!.....but hey you know what, I've got a feeling!....times are a changin' may not need to wait much longer meatbags!......sooner than you think suckas!!!......the beautiful game..this wonderfull earth.....MY ARSE!.....WAR do we fuckin love it or what!! ;-(....happy days are here!!

Friday, 11 March 2011


people are dying on this crazy planet and some knobhead will still be trying to hang onto power!

Saturday, 5 March 2011


there's only one thing better than being a teenager and thats being a robot!...u can say & do what you like and people put it down to programming!...altho having said that!....surely its ALL just a 'simple' programming glitch....mmmm....interesting!
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ok so I kinda understand!....l'm thinking GOD (or whoever you believe started this whole thing!) had IN & OUT trays...kinda to keep things organised in the creative process, it makes sense obviously!.....and I also realise that he had to have some evil to compensate for the good in this new universe he was obviously he put Hitler, Mugabe, Gaddafi and that knobend who headbutted Joe Jordan the other day in the 'crazy mixed up lunatic syco fuckwit...why do they exist' tray!......but I'm at a loss what tray Katy Price & Justin Bieber would've been in! this life for sure gets weirder & weirder!!
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ok then so I know! its bad....I've slagged off pap'n'roll godz!!....I spose its kinda like slapping the queen in the face or (gulp!) Elton John even.....but hey whats with modern minute they wanna be taken 'seriously' then next they wanna 'just get down for the kidz' minute yeh we're influenced by 'r...eal' bands then the next we wanna be like Green Day...then aaargh! Bun Jovi(!!)......then no not really! we wanna be like Boyzone & make lots of spodoolaz!...'because its nuthin serious we're just anutha band making POP musac' (sounds like a horrible re-occurring 80's nitemare to me ;-)....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!......hehe....what happened to good honest musac!!......Lemmy for example 'Hi Lemmy you know that wooooonderfull new song by those lovely looking boyz know what me ole mate!....thats what you need!, you've already got the credability now you just need a 'real' song to sell! it'll go down a storm with the kidz just what you need...buddy...pal....matey!' yeh, YOU GO TRY THAT! just don't ask me to help you get his shiny black cowboy boot back out of your shiny little ass.......uuuuuuuuurgh!
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ok so apparently one day you'll understand!...but until then put your feet up, I'll make the tea and you watch f****n eastenders!
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yum yum!

ok then more from the irrelavant world of 'My life as a teenage robot'.......yes I know I should be hung drawn & quartered for this one!...but hey on a lighter note whatever happened to that good ole 'take him down to be hung drawn & quartered'?........well maybe it would sort out our 'full to brimming' prison extra FREE meat products for cattle feed...yeh heart of serial killer...get a bit of that into our foodchain! shweeeet!.....and apparently its a right royal grungy mess afterwards I've heard!......yeh what a great know what, I should be 'Presidentey of THE WORLD'........... gotta imagine me laughing kinda like Vincent Price!!....phew spooky....I told ya the machines will take over ONE DAY.....then you'll be sorry suckas!!....
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oh cheryl!

ok then so little mini'Machine'Boy is becoming more aware....humanly speaking that is! he's learning from all the good people on our crabby planet!.....hey maybe he could become the new commentator for sky sports!.....oh s**t! he's just blown it!.......oh cheryl the way you flaunt your womanly charms and play with our ...blokey.....ahem.....erm...minds! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr U beeeetch!!!
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ok then here's the latest 'My Life As A Teenage Robot' cartooooon....I have been told by my editorial staff (hehe ;-) at Machine Boy towers! my new cartoon strip can't just be used as a chance to slag off the bands that I HATE & DETEST! which I said 'I can't even mention Oasis & UB40 then.....BOLLOX!.........gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! fascist bastards!'....
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the universe & elsewhere!

wow so Machine Boy unleashes his latest socially aware piece of crap.....erm sorry!....we mean artwork on the universe & elsewhere with his new childishly created weekly cartoon called 'My life as a teenage robot!'.....ok granted this tosh will never grace the pages of any 'high quality' press (you know like The Sun or... The Sunday Sport) but Machine Boy has promised he will be spicing it up now & then with some nude'titee and even getting a HOT bitch involved! that new washing machine his next door neighbour has just purchased....god damb it THAT IS HOT HOT HOT!
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